7 Steps To Dry Water Under Laminate Floors Without Removing Them

When water infiltrates beneath laminate flooring, it can pose a serious threat to the integrity of the floor. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to effectively dry water under laminate floors without the need for removal. This approach not only minimizes damage but also prevents potential issues like mold growth, providing a practical solution for homeowners facing this common problem.

1. Identify and Stop the Water Source

The first critical step in addressing water under laminate floors is identifying and promptly addressing the source of water. Whether it’s a leaking pipe, a malfunctioning appliance, or a spill, pinpointing and stopping the water is paramount. This not only prevents further damage but also lays the foundation for an effective drying process without the need to dismantle the flooring.

2. Remove Surface Water

Swiftly removing excess water from the surface is crucial to prevent it from seeping further into the laminate. Begin by using absorbent towels or mops to soak up as much water as possible. For larger volumes, a wet/dry vacuum can be a valuable tool in efficiently extracting water from the laminate surface. Pay close attention to seams, edges, and corners where water tends to accumulate.

3. Dehumidify the Area

Reducing overall moisture levels in the affected room is key to drying the laminate efficiently. Employing dehumidifiers helps extract excess moisture from the air, aiding in the restoration process. Choose a dehumidifier with an appropriate capacity for the room size and follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for optimal results. By effectively reducing humidity, this step accelerates the drying of water beneath the laminate without resorting to removal.

4. Increase Ventilation

Good airflow significantly aids in the drying process. Open windows and doors to improve ventilation, allowing moist air to escape and drier air to circulate. This step complements the dehumidification process, creating an environment conducive to the efficient drying of water under the laminate. Proper ventilation is a crucial component of this non-invasive restoration method.

5. Use Fans for Faster Drying

Positioning fans strategically further enhances airflow, expediting the drying of water beneath the laminate. Oscillating fans or box fans can be used to create a directed flow, focusing on the affected areas. Ensure proper ventilation to maximize the effectiveness of fans in accelerating the drying process. This step is instrumental in achieving thorough and efficient drying without the need for removing the laminate flooring.

6. Moisture Absorbents

Introduce moisture-absorbing materials to target the water trapped underneath the laminate. Silica gel packets, commonly found in packaging, are excellent for absorbing moisture. Place them strategically under affected areas, replacing them as they become saturated. This additional layer of moisture control complements the overall drying process, assisting in the absorption of residual water without the necessity of removing the laminate.

7. Monitor Progress

Regularly check the moisture levels using a moisture meter to assess the drying progress. Continue the drying process until the readings indicate that the laminate is thoroughly dry. This step is crucial in preventing potential issues such as mold growth and ensures a successful non-invasive restoration. By consistently monitoring progress, you can tailor the drying approach to the specific needs of your laminate flooring.


By following these comprehensive steps, you can effectively dry water under laminate floors without resorting to removal. Acting promptly and employing the right techniques will not only save your laminate flooring but also safeguard your home from potential long-term damage. This non-invasive approach provides homeowners with a practical solution, demonstrating that proactive measures can lead to successful restoration without the need for extensive and costly renovations.

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