Should You Use 8mm or 12mm Laminate?

Key Takeaways

Thickness Matters: The thickness of laminate flooring significantly impacts its durability, sound insulation, and overall performance.

8mm Laminate: Affordable option suitable for smaller rooms or areas with minimal foot traffic. Easy to install but may be less durable and offer limited sound insulation.

12mm Laminate: Offers enhanced durability and superior sound insulation properties. Ideal for larger rooms, high-traffic areas, or commercial spaces where longevity is crucial.

Consider Factors: When choosing between 8mm and 12mm laminate flooring, consider factors such as room size, foot traffic, budget, and long-term durability needs.

Choose Wisely: Carefully evaluate your needs and preferences to select the laminate thickness that best suits your space, ensuring both aesthetics and functionality.

When deciding between 8mm and 12mm laminate flooring, consider factors like room size, foot traffic, and budget. 8mm laminate is suitable for smaller, low-traffic areas, offering affordability and easier installation. On the other hand, 12mm laminate provides greater durability and sound insulation, making it ideal for larger spaces or high-traffic areas where longevity is key. Ultimately, the choice depends on your specific needs and preferences.

Laminate flooring has become a popular choice for homeowners and businesses alike due to its durability, affordability, and aesthetic appeal. However, when it comes to laminate flooring, thickness plays a crucial role in determining its performance and suitability for different applications. In this article, we will delve into the comparison between 8mm and 12mm laminate flooring to help you make an informed decision for your next flooring project.

Laminate flooring thickness refers to the measurement of the core layer of the laminate plank. This layer typically consists of high-density fiberboard (HDF) or medium-density fiberboard (MDF), which provides structural stability to the flooring. The thickness of this core layer directly impacts the overall durability and performance of the laminate flooring.

Advantages and Disadvantages of 8mm Laminate


  1. Affordability: One of the primary advantages of 8mm laminate flooring is its affordability. Since it requires fewer materials to manufacture, it tends to be more budget-friendly compared to thicker options.
  2. Easy Installation: 8mm laminate flooring is often easier to install due to its lighter weight and thinner profile. This can be advantageous for DIY enthusiasts or projects with tight timelines.


  1. Less Durable: While 8mm laminate flooring can withstand regular foot traffic, it is generally less durable compared to thicker options. It may be more prone to denting and damage, particularly in high-traffic areas.
  2. Limited Sound Insulation: Thinner laminate flooring may provide less sound insulation, leading to increased noise transmission between floors.

Advantages and Disadvantages of 12mm Laminate


  1. Enhanced Durability: The thicker core layer of 12mm laminate flooring provides greater resistance to impacts, making it more durable and less prone to damage from heavy furniture or foot traffic.
  2. Improved Sound Insulation: Thicker laminate flooring offers better sound insulation properties, reducing noise transmission between floors and creating a quieter indoor environment.


  1. Higher Cost: 12mm laminate flooring tends to be more expensive than its 8mm counterpart due to the additional materials and manufacturing processes involved.
  2. Potentially More Challenging Installation: The thicker profile of 12mm laminate flooring may require additional preparation of the subfloor and specialized tools for installation, which could increase installation time and costs.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Between 8mm and 12mm Laminate

When deciding between 8mm and 12mm laminate flooring, several factors should be taken into consideration:

  • Room Size and Foot Traffic: Larger rooms or areas with heavy foot traffic may benefit from the added durability of 12mm laminate flooring.
  • Budget Considerations: Evaluate your budget and weigh the cost difference between 8mm and 12mm laminate flooring against the long-term benefits and durability.
  • Long-Term Durability Needs: Consider the expected lifespan of the flooring and whether the added durability of 12mm laminate is necessary for your specific application.
  • Aesthetic Preferences and Design Considerations: Choose a laminate thickness that complements your design aesthetic and overall vision for the space.


In conclusion, the choice between 8mm and 12mm laminate flooring ultimately depends on your specific needs, preferences, and budget constraints. While 8mm laminate offers affordability and easy installation, 12mm laminate provides enhanced durability and sound insulation properties. By carefully considering factors such as room size, foot traffic, and long-term durability needs, you can select the laminate thickness that best suits your requirements and ensures a beautiful and functional flooring solution for your space.

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