Remove Glued Laminate Flooring From Wood Subfloor

Removing glued laminate flooring from wood subfloor, whether for renovation or replacement. This guide will provide a detailed walkthrough of the process, ensuring a meticulous removal without compromising the integrity of the wood subfloor.

Tools and Materials

Pry bar: Utilize a flat pry bar to gently lift the edges of the laminate flooring without causing damage.

Hammer: Work in conjunction with the pry bar to delicately loosen planks and facilitate their removal.

Utility knife: Employ a sharp utility knife for precision cutting through any adhesive or caulk around the edges.

Heat gun: Set at an appropriate temperature, the heat gun softens the glue, making the removal process more manageable.

Floor scraper: Essential for lifting and removing laminate planks from the subfloor without causing damage. Gloves and safety glasses: Prioritize safety by wearing gloves and safety glasses throughout the removal process.

Plastic sheeting: Cover the surrounding area with plastic sheeting to contain debris and protect other surfaces.

Adhesive remover: Use adhesive remover to tackle stubborn adhesive spots and facilitate easier removal.

Scrap containers: Provide designated containers for collecting and disposing of debris responsibly.

Step 1: Lifting the Edges

Insert the pry bar beneath the edges of the laminate, gradually lifting without forcing or causing damage.

Proceed systematically across the room, ensuring a careful and measured approach to avoid unnecessary damage.

Differentiate adhesive types: Identify whether the adhesive is water-based or solvent-based.

Conduct a small test to gauge the strength of the adhesive and plan removal accordingly.

Step 2: Heat Application

  • The first step in using a heat gun for laminate flooring removal is to set the temperature appropriately. Different adhesives respond differently to heat, so it’s crucial to choose the right temperature setting on your heat gun. Typically, a medium heat setting is a good starting point. Adjust as needed based on the adhesive type and responsiveness.
  • With the heat gun at the desired temperature, aim it at the glued areas of the laminate flooring. Hold the heat gun at a distance and move it evenly across the surface to ensure uniform heating. Focus on small sections at a time, heating the glue underneath without overheating the laminate. The goal is to soften the adhesive, making it more pliable for easier removal.
  • While heat is effective in loosening adhesive bonds, it’s crucial to avoid excessive heat that could potentially damage the laminate or even the subfloor. Continuous and concentrated heat in one spot may cause warping or discoloration of the laminate. Maintain a balance by periodically checking the temperature and adjusting as needed.
  • Heating adhesives can release fumes, so it’s important to ensure proper ventilation during the heat application process. Open windows and doors, or use fans to circulate air and dissipate any fumes. This precaution not only protects your health but also creates a safer and more comfortable working environment.
  • Periodically check the responsiveness of the adhesive as you apply heat. Gently attempt to lift the edges of the laminate with a pry bar. If the adhesive is softening adequately, continue with the heat application. If not, reassess the temperature and adjust accordingly. Testing ensures that you are effectively softening the adhesive without unnecessary overheating.
  • To maintain control over the process and prevent overheating, divide the floor into manageable sections. Heat and remove one section at a time before moving on to the next. This methodical approach ensures thorough heating without compromising the quality of the removal process.

Step 3: Scraping and Removal

  • Insert at an Angle: Once the laminate edges are sufficiently lifted, it’s time to use the floor scraper. Insert the scraper at a slight angle beneath the lifted edges, positioning it towards the adhesive layer. This angle helps in gradually prying the laminate planks from the subfloor. Exercise caution to avoid gouging or damaging the underlying wood.
  • Work Systematically: Approach the removal systematically to maintain control over the process. Start at one end of the room and work your way across, lifting and removing one plank at a time. Use the pry bar and floor scraper in tandem, progressing with a methodical rhythm to prevent unnecessary strain on the subfloor.
  • Apply Gradual Pressure: Apply gradual and consistent pressure on the floor scraper to lift the laminate. If you encounter resistance, revisit the heated sections with the heat gun to ensure the adhesive remains pliable. Avoid using excessive force, as this can lead to splintering or damage to the subfloor.
  • Minimize Splintering: Pay attention to the condition of the laminate planks as you lift them. If you notice any splintering or breaking, adjust your technique. Sometimes, using the utility knife to cut through stubborn adhesive spots while lifting can help minimize splintering and ensure cleaner removal.
  • Dispose of Removed Planks: As you lift and remove each laminate plank, carefully set it aside in a designated area for disposal. Use caution to avoid tripping hazards and ensure a clear workspace. Dispose of the removed planks responsibly, considering recycling options if applicable.
  • Apply Adhesive Remover: In cases where certain areas of adhesive prove stubborn, apply an adhesive remover. Use a brush or applicator to ensure precise application on the affected spots. Allow the remover to sit for the recommended time, allowing it to penetrate and weaken the adhesive.
  • Use Floor Scraper for Precision: While the adhesive remover is at work, use the floor scraper with precision. Target the specific areas softened by the remover and apply controlled pressure. This method allows for more focused removal, minimizing the need for excessive scraping and potential damage to the subfloor.
  • Repeat as Necessary: Stubborn adhesive spots may require multiple applications of adhesive remover. Be patient and repeat the process as needed until the adhesive is sufficiently softened. This step ensures a thorough and clean removal process without leaving behind residue that could affect the installation of new flooring.
  • Inspect for Residue: After completing the removal, inspect the subfloor for any remaining adhesive residue. Use the floor scraper or a putty knife to gently remove any leftover adhesive. A clean subfloor is essential for the successful installation of new flooring materials.

Step 4: Clean-Up

Use scrap containers: Collect debris in designated containers for easy disposal.

Ensure a clean work area: Remove all disposed laminate pieces and debris to maintain a clean and organized workspace.

Scrape off remaining adhesive: Use the floor scraper to remove any lingering adhesive on the subfloor.

Wipe with a damp cloth: Wipe down the subfloor with a damp cloth to ensure a smooth, clean surface.

Step 5: Final Inspection

Inspect thoroughly: Examine the subfloor carefully to ensure all adhesive residue is removed.

Address remaining spots: Use adhesive remover as necessary to address any remaining stubborn spots.

Confirm smoothness: Ensure the subfloor is smooth, free of debris, and ready for the installation of new flooring materials.

Prepare for the next flooring: Take the necessary steps to prepare the subfloor for the upcoming flooring installation, if applicable.


In conclusion, removing glued laminate flooring from a wood subfloor requires meticulous planning, careful execution, and the use of appropriate tools and materials. By following this detailed guide, you can ensure a successful removal process while preserving the integrity of the subfloor. Prioritize safety, proper disposal practices, and cleanliness throughout the entire process for optimal results.

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