How To Prepare Subfloor For Wood Flooring

Wood flooring can be installed on several types of subfloors, but each type requires specific preparation to ensure a successful and durable installation. Here are the main subfloors suitable for wood flooring installation.

Plywood Subfloor

Materials Needed:

  • Screws or nails
  • Sanding machine
  • Vacuum cleaner
  • Moisture meter
  • Level
  • Wood filler or leveling compound


  1. Inspect the Plywood: Ensure it is clean, dry, and free from damage.
  2. Fasten the Plywood: Secure any loose boards using screws or nails.
  3. Check for Level: Use a level to check for any uneven areas. The floor should not vary more than 3/16 inch over 10 feet.
  4. Sand High Spots: Use a sanding machine to smooth out any high spots.
  5. Fill Low Spots: Apply wood filler or leveling compound to low spots and allow it to dry.
  6. Clean the Surface: Vacuum the subfloor thoroughly to remove all dust and debris.
  7. Check Moisture Levels: Use a moisture meter to ensure the moisture content is suitable (typically below 12%).

Concrete Subfloor

Materials Needed

  • Moisture barrier (plastic sheeting or liquid membrane)
  • Concrete patching compound
  • Level
  • Sanding machine
  • Vacuum cleaner


  1. Clean the Concrete: Sweep and vacuum the surface to remove dust and debris.
  2. Repair Cracks and Holes: Use a concrete patching compound to fill any cracks or holes.
  3. Check for Level: Use a level to ensure the floor is even. Use a leveling compound if necessary.
  4. Sand High Spots: Sand any high spots on the concrete.
  5. Install Moisture Barrier: Lay down a moisture barrier to prevent moisture from reaching the wood floor. This can be plastic sheeting or a liquid membrane.
  6. Allow to Cure: If using a liquid membrane, allow it to cure according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Existing Wood Floors

Materials Needed

  • Screws or nails
  • Sanding machine
  • Wood filler
  • Vacuum cleaner
  • Level


  1. Inspect the Existing Floor: Check for damage, loose boards, or uneven areas.
  2. Secure Loose Boards: Use screws or nails to fasten any loose boards.
  3. Sand the Surface: Sand the existing floor to smooth out any imperfections.
  4. Fill Gaps and Holes: Use wood filler to fill any gaps or holes.
  5. Check for Level: Use a level to ensure the floor is even. Sand high spots and fill low spots as needed.
  6. Clean the Surface: Vacuum thoroughly to remove all dust and debris.

OSB (Oriented Strand Board) Subfloor

Materials Needed

  • Screws or nails
  • Sanding machine
  • Vacuum cleaner
  • Level
  • Wood filler or leveling compound


  1. Inspect the OSB: Ensure it is clean, dry, and free from damage.
  2. Secure the OSB: Use screws or nails to fasten any loose boards.
  3. Check for Level: Use a level to check for any uneven areas.
  4. Sand High Spots: Sand any high spots to create a smooth surface.
  5. Fill Low Spots: Apply wood filler or leveling compound to low spots and allow it to dry.
  6. Clean the Surface: Vacuum the subfloor thoroughly to remove all dust and debris.

Vinyl or Tile Subfloor

Materials Needed

  • Leveling compound
  • Sanding machine
  • Vacuum cleaner
  • Moisture barrier (for vinyl)
  • Underlayment (for floating floors)


  1. Inspect the Surface: Ensure the vinyl or tile is securely fastened and in good condition.
  2. Clean the Surface: Sweep and vacuum thoroughly to remove dust and debris.
  3. Level the Surface: Apply a leveling compound to fill in grout lines or any uneven areas.
  4. Sand High Spots: Sand any high spots to ensure a smooth surface.
  5. Install Moisture Barrier: For vinyl, install a moisture barrier if required by the flooring manufacturer.
  6. Install Underlayment: For floating floors, lay down the recommended underlayment.

Particleboard Subfloor

Materials Needed

  • Screws or nails
  • Sanding machine
  • Vacuum cleaner
  • Level
  • Wood filler or leveling compound
  • Underlayment (for floating floors)


  1. Inspect the Particleboard: Ensure it is clean, dry, and free from damage.
  2. Secure the Particleboard: Use screws or nails to fasten any loose boards.
  3. Check for Level: Use a level to check for any uneven areas.
  4. Sand High Spots: Sand any high spots to create a smooth surface.
  5. Fill Low Spots: Apply wood filler or leveling compound to low spots and allow it to dry.
  6. Clean the Surface: Vacuum the subfloor thoroughly to remove all dust and debris.
  7. Install Underlayment: For floating floors, lay down the recommended underlayment.

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